Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Lord, You said that Your Word is everlasting and it does not return to You void, so I ask today that You would heal the wounds of the survivors of the attack on the World Trade Center, their families, friends, those whose loved ones perished, the firefighters who rushed to their rescue, the members of the armed forces who work tirelessly to keep order and peace, the doctors and nurses who provided care and comfort and for every person who helped in one way or another. I ask for your continued intervention and direction as America works through the process of making sense out of such nonsense and to bring stability and a sense of security back to the country.

Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? We know that You God is the only one Who knows the heart of man and is able to change it, so I ask you to change the heart of every terroist and give them Your love, peace and grace.

 I pray that the strongholds and generational curses of murder and massacre will be broken from these criminal minded people who have no hope and take pleasure in destroying other human beings. Exposed every evil plan of the enemy and throw him into confusion.  Watch over our armed forces and others providing protective services and give them strength, wisdom and alertness so that they will act swiftly, powerfully and accurately at all times.

I pray that the leaders, starting with the President, the Executive Branch, members of congress, federal agencies, commissions and governments, local, state and regional of this country, will seek godly wisdom daily as they plan and make decisions to run the affairs of this country. Continue to pour out your wisdom and discernment to the intelligence and international security agencies.

In Jeremiah 33:3 you said if we call on You, You will answer, and in John 14:13 -14 You said that whatever we ask for in Your Name and according to You will, you will do it. So, in closing, Lord, I ask that you heal, restore and bless America. I believe that today you have heard my prayer and supplication on behalf of the United States of America. I give You honor, Glory and praise! In name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Copyright © September 2012 Pauline E. Lewinson

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